Baby Photography!
Did you miss the newborn stage? Don’t worry I got you covered!
Sitter sessions are for babies aged 6 months and above that can sit on their own unassisted. They can include just your baby, or Mum & Dad as well!
Your baby is sitting up independently and may be crawling, typically between 6-10 months old. This age is fantastic to photograph as they’re very curious and happy with beautiful big smiles and their personalities truly shine through. Outfits are provided and we keep our styling simple and classic in order to create truly timeless photographs for you to treasure forever.
What is a sitter photoshoot and how does it work? It’s approximately an hour (because more often than not you only get a short window of time with this age depending on babies personality.
Babies may sit/lay/or roll around in my studio. I sing songs and play games like peek-a-boo and wave objects or blow bubbles around to capture their attention, and sometimes I might need a bit of help from the parents to help get those real genuine captures!
Kids grow and mature so quickly, and the ability to capture those changes as they happen is an awesome opportunity and as a group of images, is such an important keepsake.